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Massive Open Online Interventions: A Novel Model for Delivering Behavioral Health Services Worldwide

MOOIs have the potential to provide people worldwide with evidence-based behavioral interventions.

Research by Dr. Ricardo Muñoz, published in March 2016 in Clinical Psychological Science, demonstrates that Massive Open Online Interventions (MOOIs) have the potential to increase the reach, scalability, and affordability of psychological interventions.


Muñoz reports on an extension of a proof-of-concept participant preference smoking cessation trial conducted in the form of a MOOI. This resource was available in Spanish and English for 30 months and a total of 292,978 individuals from 168 countries visited the site.


Based on data from the last 18 months of recruitment, 27,163 participants were screened for eligibility; 8,881 signed consent; and 7,407 completed the baseline survey. Observed quit rates were 39.2%, 43.5%, 45.7%, 50.3%, at 1-, 3-, 6- and 12-months and, at the same time intervals, the missing=smoking quit rates were 7.6%, 5.7%, 4.8% and 5.5%.


Results suggest that MOOIs have the potential to provide people worldwide with evidence-based behavioral interventions. The authors conclude that MOOIs should become an integral part of global health efforts.


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Ricardo Muñoz discusses MOOIs.

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